Monday, March 21, 2016

5 Stages of Conflict

Five Stages of Conflict
            The five stages of conflict apply to all conflict. Conflicts are considered opposing viewpoints on a topic not just a husband and wife fighting or a small dispute among friends. All conflict regardless of the topic or the length that the conflict last goes through a cycle. The stages in process view of conflict are: prelude to the conflict, triggering event, initiation of the conflict, differentiation phase, and finally the resolution phase. (Cahn & Abigail, 2014)

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mr. Tracy Mayhew

Communication is vital when conducting specific research on subject matter experts. In this case, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Tracy Mayhew (USAF SGT Retired). Listening and transposing our conversation accurately, directly correlates with effective communication.

Gun Control Through the Eyes of a Professional

           Gun control is a very controversial topic where numerous resources can be found to advocate for both perspectives. One of the best things about such a controversial topic is just that. Gathering information is not only easy because of the abundance but since opposing viewpoints are so large it makes it easier to write about the topic completely. However the problem with so many resources is many time information gathered is not accurate and highly opinionated.  This focal piece on Tracy Mayhew highlights some very specifics thoughts, ideas, and facts from a certified creditable source. 

Mr. Luis Cruz

Communication is vital when conducting specific research on subject matter experts. In this case, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Luis Cruz. Listening and transposing our conversation accurately, directly correlates with effective communication.

Mr. Louis Cruz

            The individual that I chose to interview is someone that not only do I respect as a person and for what they have accomplished in their life but also for his daily actions. Louis Cruz is and has been my civilian boss for two years now. Not only is he a great boss but he also has been in my shoes. He is a retired First Sergeant form the United States Army and has a wealth of experience not only in our current field of work but also in the challenges I will face throughout my career. On the first day when I arrived and reported into to meet him he told me that although he was the team lead or boss that he considered himself more of a team member. To this day I still have found this to be true. We have become what I consider very good work acquaintances with an open flow of two way communication that results in quality products. His diversity across multiple plains will give great insight into communication differences across subcultures, age in workforce gap, nationality differences, language barriers of communication, and so much more! Simply speaking, Puerto Ricans encounter the issues when it comes to communication within their subculture as we all do in our particular subcultures. The barriers or challenges may differ and their customs, habits, and practices may differ but in the end the main goal of their communication intent is to send and receive effectively just as Americans do. Mr. Cruz explains how what that communication flow is like and how it has changed over the years.

Persuading a Business

The text below was written from my perspective as if I were a business executive trying to persuade my company to take a specific action. The focus of this is more concentrated on the procedure to get everyone on board, and to go along with my presentation rather than the topic. Notice the persuasion techniques used throughout as you read the letter I wrote to the company. 

 Chronic Waste Disease (CWD) Affecting Tink’s Sales

            Fellow business executives, leaders, and team members, here at Tink’s we strive to provide the best quality hunting related products to customers who trust and support us. The recent spike of Chronic Waste Disease (CWD) being detected has caused some concern for future operations of our corporation. I propose that we identify some problematic situations that are and will occur when it comes to sales and manufacturing. There are three main issues that will be addressed which I believe will ensure Tink’s success. First, we must prevent a decline in sales of deer urine products because of state bans. Second, forecasting shows that CWD will continue spreading causing states to ban Tink’s products, which will lead to massive revenue loss if not address immediately. The third issue is ensuring that our synthetic deer urine is as good of quality and effective as our real deer urine until pure deer urine is proven safe and legal to use.


Persuasion, Manipulation, and Seduction

Persuasion, Manipulation, and Seduction

  Persuasion, manipulation, and seduction are three techniques that can be used when communicating with someone and trying to alter their state of thinking. Many times people do not think of persuasion, manipulation, and seduction as relating to human communication. Although, it directly deals with communication it is like there is a mental block that stops the association.

Persuasion is a much nicer way of say you convinced someone to do what you want or think how you want them to. Manipulation is a harsher word that basically means you twisted and turned things so someone was forced into a mindset or action which they really didn’t want to be in or perform.  When it comes to seduction most people think in terms of sex. This is fairly accurate because seduction plays upon the wants, desires, emotions, feeling, and sexual thoughts of a person. Although sexual seduction is based on sex; it is because of the emotional attachment to sex and the emotions behind it rather than physical desire. Therefore it’s the driving force of sex that enables the possibility of seduction. 

Mediation & Arbitration

Mediation & Arbitration
Mediation and arbitration are two very important similar tools when it comes to unresolved conflicts. The majority of people think of two married people going through a divorce when they hear the two words used however that’s not always the case. Many businesses and contracts are finalized through mediation and arbitration. Both involve an impartial third party participant who assist in resolving the conflict by managing the communication, however; mediation generally takes place prior to arbitration because of legalities. “Mediation is meant to facilitate communication, promote party-created solutions, and help clarify issues—all with the assistance of a neutral third party (Bennett, 2014)”. Arbitration is completed in private less formal setting but is like court.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Case Study: Managing a Substandard Employee

You are a department manager in a mid-sized company that provides technology support services.  You have ten employees who are required to maintain a high level of technical expertise and deliver excellent customer service.  One of your employees, who has been with the company for two years, is performing at a substandard level and you have received numerous complaints from customers and coworkers.  In addition, this employee has displayed confrontational behavior which has created a hostile environment.  You must now meet with this employee and deliver an ultimatum regarding the need for immediate improvement or dismissal.”

Delivering Bad News
            The first step in the process of addressing a bad employee with tact is based upon knowledge. As the department manager I should already have an extensive knowledge of all the employees and their performance; especially those who have been under me for longer than a year. The important thing for me to do is make an informed rational decision that is not based on emotion but rather on facts and what is best for the company.